Powerful 9 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits And Its Importance For Wearer

Powerful 9 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits And Its Importance For Wearer

9 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits is generally found in varied varieties, namely Nepal and Java Indonesian. Both of these are famous and popular Rudraksha with great power. The Nepal variety 9 Mukhi Rudraksha is typically bigger with a thorny surface and deeply engraved Mukhi lines. On the other hand, the Java variety bead is much smaller and the Mukhi lines are visible. 

Because Nepal beads have a bigger size, the intensity and power embedded with this bead are stronger, and the healing frequency is greater than compared to Java which takes a long time to showcase its effects on the wearer. Nine Mukhi Rudraksha, in both Java and Nepal varieties, works effectively on the wearer and provides great benefits. However, many people go for Java Indonesian beads because of their smaller size as they easily fit by the jewelers.

9 Mukhi Rudraksha bead is governed by the divine mother- Goddess Durga and it has both spiritual and material aspects. Moreover, this bead possesses the power of 9 Goddesses known as Nava Durga. It fulfils desires and provides comfort to the wearer also known as Bhogha and Moksha. It carries the extravagant power of Goddesses; therefore, one will get a powerful awakening after wearing it.

Ruling Planet of 9 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits:

9 Mukhi Rudraksha’s ruling planet is Rahu. It helps in removing any negative or malefic effects of the Rahu planet. People whose Rahu is weak usually wear this bead. The God of a bead and its ruling planet must have equality and similar frequency to see the results of the beads. 

9 Mukhi Rudraksha Chakra:

The chakra of the nine-faced rudraksha is known as Sahasrara Chakra or Crown Chakra. It is located at the crown of the head and helps in building connections with the universe. Moreover, it also helps in forming high consciousness. 

The 9 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits bead works on the Crown Chakra. This chakra has divine power and the wearer attains an abundance of enlightenment and strength. However, when this chakra is blocked, the person will face negative thoughts due to the non-alignment of the right path in life. They also face feelings of abandonment. By wearing a 9 Mukhi bead, you will be re-energized by Sahasrara Chakra power. You attain contentment, gratitude, self-knowledge, and self-realization. 

Importance of 9 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads:

  • It helps in winning from the enemies
  • It eliminates the fear of ghosts, evil spirits, or black magic
  • It builds a connection with Goddess Durga and helps in attaining the blessings of her 
  • 9 Mukhi Rudraksha wearer becomes positive, fearless, and powerful in his life
  • It eliminates the malefic effects of the Rahu planet on the wearer’s life
  • Brings courage, endurance, bravery, and wealth to the wearer
  • Provides relief from health issues like vertigo, dizziness, vitiligo, etc.
  • Many serious diseases are treated with 9 Mukhi Rudraksha bead such as OCD, fear, phobia, hallucinations, etc.
  • It strengthens the brain and nervous system thus, eliminating any brain disorder

Astrological Benefits

  • 9 Mukhi beads provide relief from Rahu dosh
  • It strengthens Rahu benefits by preventing malefic effects
  • It offers relief from Chandra Grahan Dosha and Surya Grahan Dosha on the wearer’s life
  • One gets relief from Kaalsarp dosh

Therapeutic Benefits

  • Cures dizziness, vertigo, etc.
  • Helps prevent skin disorders
  • Relief from a psychological disorder
  • Strengthen brain and nervous system

9 Mukhi Rudraksha Mantra

Aum Hreem Hoom Namah”

By reciting this mantra, it is believed that the worshiper gains abundant concentration and self-development.

Final Thoughts

Buy original and authentic 9 Mukhi Rudraksha beads from Rudraksha Life and bring positivity to your life. Get it in any form and start with your journey to a prosperous life.