16 Mukhi Rudraksha: Make Yourself Positively Charged

16 Mukhi Rudraksha: Make Yourself Positively Charged

16 Mukhi Rudraksha beads are one of the most sacred and powerful gemstones in the world. They are the seeds of the rudraksha tree, which is said to have originated from the tears of Lord Shiva. Rudraksha beads have a number of spiritual and healing properties, such as:

  • Protecting from negative energies and evil eye
  • Enhancing meditation and concentration
  • Balancing the chakras and energies
  • Improving health and immunity
  • Attracting good luck and prosperity
  • Fulfilling wishes and desires

Rudraksha beads are classified according to the number of faces or much they have. Each mukhi has a different meaning and benefit and is associated with a different deity, planet, and mantra. One of the rarest and most powerful rudraksha beads is the 16 mukhi rudraksha, which has 16 faces or facets.

16 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits

The 16 mukhi rudraksha is also known as the Jai Rudraksha, which means the victory rudraksha. It is said to grant victory in all aspects of life, such as:

  • Career: The 16 mukhi rudraksha can help you achieve success in your career, by boosting your confidence, skills, and performance. It can also help you overcome obstacles and challenges, and attract more opportunities, recognition, and rewards.
  • Business: The 16 mukhi rudraksha can help you prosper in your business, by enhancing your creativity, productivity, and profitability. It can also help you attract more customers, clients, and partners, and expand your market reach.
  • Love: The 16 mukhi rudraksha can help you find or improve your love life, by increasing your charm, charisma, and magnetism. It can also help you attract more romance, passion, and commitment, and resolve any conflicts or misunderstandings.
  • Health: The 16 mukhi rudraksha can help you maintain or improve your health, by strengthening your immune system, metabolism, and vitality. It can also help you prevent or recover from diseases or injuries, especially those related to the kidneys, intestines, skin, or eyes.

The 16 mukhi rudraksha is also known for its spiritual benefits. It is said to awaken the kundalini energy, which is the primal force that lies dormant at the base of the spine. When the kundalini energy rises through the chakras, it leads to enlightenment and liberation. The 16 mukhi rudraksha can help you activate and balance your kundalini energy, and experience higher states of consciousness and awareness.

16 Mukhi Rudraksha Price

The price of the 16 mukhi rudraksha depends on several factors, such as:

  • Size: Larger beads are more expensive than smaller ones
  • Quality: Higher-quality beads have more clarity, color, and luster than lower-quality ones
  • Shape: Round or oval beads are more expensive than irregular or flat ones
  • Origin: Some sources of rudraksha beads are more rare and valuable than others
  • Treatment: Some beads are enhanced or dyed to improve their appearance, which may affect their price

16 Mukhi Rudraksha Ruling Planet

The ruling planet of the 16 mukhi rudraksha is Rahu, which is one of the nine planets in Vedic astrology. Rahu is not a physical planet, but a shadowy point that represents the north node of the moon. Rahu is associated with:

  • Ambition: Rahu gives you a strong desire to achieve your goals and dreams, no matter what obstacles or risks you face. It also gives you a competitive edge and a daring attitude.
  • Innovation: Rahu gives you a creative and original mind that can come up with new ideas and solutions. It also gives you a curious and adventurous spirit that can explore new possibilities and opportunities.
  • Transformation: Rahu gives you a dynamic and flexible personality that can adapt to changing situations and circumstances. It also gives you a rebellious and revolutionary streak that can challenge the status quo and bring about positive changes.

However, Rahu can also have some negative effects, such as:

  • Confusion: Rahu can make you restless and indecisive, as you may have too many options or distractions to choose from. It can also make you prone to illusions, delusions, and deception.
  • Impulsiveness: Rahu can make you act rashly and recklessly, without considering the consequences or implications of your actions. It can also make you impatient and intolerant of delays or obstacles.
  • Obsession: Rahu can make you obsessed with your goals and desires, to the point of losing sight of reality or morality. It can also make you greedy and selfish, and disregard the rights or feelings of others.

The 16 mukhi rudraksha can help you balance the effects of Rahu, by enhancing its positive qualities and reducing its negative ones. It can help you achieve your ambitions in a smart and ethical way, and use your creativity and innovation for the greater good. It can also help you transform yourself and your life for the better, without losing your sense of direction or purpose.

16 Mukhi Rudraksha Mantra

The mantra of the 16 mukhi rudraksha is Om Hreem Hoom Namah: 

ॐ ह्रीं ह्रौं नमः शिवाय

The mantra means “I bow to the supreme power that grants victory”. This mantra can help you invoke the blessings of the 16 mukhi rudraksha, and activate its benefits in your life. You can chant this mantra while wearing or holding the 16 mukhi rudraksha, or while meditating with it.

To chant this mantra, you need to follow some steps, such as:

  • Sit in a comfortable and relaxed position, with your spine straight and your eyes closed
  • Hold the 16 mukhi rudraksha in your right hand, or wear it around your neck or wrist
  • Take a few deep breaths and calm your mind
  • Start chanting the mantra Om Hreem Hoom Namah, either aloud or silently
  • Repeat the mantra 108 times, or as many times as you feel comfortable
  • End the chanting by thanking the 16 Mukhi rudraksha for their blessings

You can chant this mantra daily, weekly, monthly, or whenever you feel the need. You can also chant this mantra before starting any important task or activity, to ensure success and victory.

16 Mukhi Rudraksha Wearing Rules

The 16 mukhi rudraksha is a powerful gemstone that needs to be worn with care and respect. There are some rules that you need to follow while wearing it, such as:

  • Cleanse: Before wearing the 16 mukhi rudraksha for the first time, you need to cleanse it of any negative energies or impurities. You can do this by washing it with water, milk, honey, or Ganga jal (holy water from the river Ganges). You can also expose it to sunlight or moonlight for a few hours.
  • Charge: After cleansing the 16 mukhi rudraksha, you need to charge it with positive energy and intention. You can do this by chanting its mantra Om Hreem Hoom Namah 108 times, or by praying to Lord Shiva or any other deity that you worship.
  • Wear: After charging the 16 mukhi rudraksha, you can wear it around your neck or wrist, or keep it in your pocket or purse. You can also wear it as a pendant, ring, bracelet, or necklace. You should wear it on a Monday, which is the day of Lord Shiva.
  • Maintain: To maintain the 16 mukhi rudraksha, you need to take good care of it. You should avoid touching it with dirty hands or exposing it to chemicals, heat, or moisture. You should also remove it while sleeping, bathing, swimming, or engaging in any sexual activity. You should also cleanse and charge it regularly.

16 Mukhi Rudraksha – Originality

The 16 mukhi rudraksha is a rare and valuable gemstone that is often imitated or faked by unscrupulous sellers. To avoid being cheated or overcharged, you need to identify an original 16 mukhi rudraksha from a fake one. Some of the ways to do this are:

  • Look: An original 16 mukhi rudraksha has a natural and organic appearance, with a smooth surface and a brownish color. It has 16 clear and distinct faces or facets that are evenly spaced and aligned. A fake 16 mukhi rudraksha may have an artificial or synthetic appearance, with a rough surface and a dull color. It may have more or less than 16 faces or facets that are irregularly spaced and aligned.
  • Feel: An original 16 mukhi rudraksha has a light and warm feel when held in the hand. It also has a slight magnetic attraction when brought close to a metal object. A fake 16 mukhi rudraksha may have a heavy and cold feel when held in the hand. It may also have no magnetic attraction or repulsion when brought close to a metal object.
  • Test: An original 16 mukhi rudraksha can pass some simple tests that can verify its authenticity. Some of these tests are:
    • Water test: An original 16 mukhi rudraksha will sink in water, while a fake one may float or dissolve.
    • Fire test: An original 16 mukhi rudraksha will remain intact and unharmed when exposed to fire, while a fake one may burn or melt.
    • Cut test: An original 16 mukhi rudraksha will have the same number of faces or facets inside and outside, while a fake one may have different numbers or no faces at all.

However, these tests may damage or destroy the rudraksha bead, so they should be done only as a last resort.

FAQs – For Your More Clarity About 16 Mukhi Rudraksha

Here are some frequently asked questions about the 16 Mukhi rudraksha:

What are the astrological benefits of 16 Mukhi Rudraksha?

  • It can help you overcome the negative effects of Rahu, such as confusion, impulsiveness, and obsession.
  • It can also help you enhance the positive effects of Rahu, such as ambition, innovation, and transformation.
  • It can also help you balance the other planets in your horoscope, and harmonize your karmic destiny.

What is a 16 Mukhi Rudraksha?

A 16 Mukhi Rudraksha is a sacred seed that has 16 faces or facets. It is one of the rarest and most powerful rudraksha beads, and it grants victory in all aspects of life.

What does the 16 Mukhi Rudraksha represent?

The 16 Mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Shiva in his form as Mahamrityunjaya, which means the conqueror of death. It also represents Lord Ram, who is the epitome of righteousness and virtue.

What are the benefits of wearing a 16 Mukhi Rudraksha?

  • It can help you achieve success in your career, business, love, and health.
  • It can also help you awaken your kundalini energy and attain enlightenment and liberation.
  • It can also help you protect yourself from negative energies and evil eyes.

Who can wear a 16 Mukhi Rudraksha?

Anyone who wants to improve their quality of life and achieve their dreams can wear a 16 Mukhi Rudraksha. However, some people who may benefit more from wearing it are:

  • People who lack confidence or self-esteem
  • People who face challenges or difficulties
  • People who want to grow or change
  • People who want to manifest their goals or desires

How can one identify an authentic 16 Mukhi Rudraksha?

You can identify an authentic 16 Mukhi Rudraksha by looking at its appearance, feeling its texture, and testing its properties. You can also buy it from a reputable seller who can provide you with a certificate of authenticity.

Can I wear multiple rudraksha beads together, including the 16 Mukhi Rudraksha?

Yes, you can wear multiple rudraksha beads together, including the 16 Mukhi Rudraksha. However, you need to make sure that they are compatible and harmonious with each other. You can also consult an expert or a gemologist before wearing them.

Why Buy from Rudraksha Life?

Rudraksha Life is one of the best places to buy Rudraksha beads online. They offer:

  • Pure natural gemstones for optimal benefits
  • Laboratory certified for quality and authenticity
  • Energized and activated for maximum impact
  • Convenient worldwide shipping options
  • Free delivery across India
  • Customized jewelry created just for you

If you are looking for a rudraksha bead or other gemstone, Rudraksha Life is a great option. They offer a wide variety of products to choose from, and they are committed to providing high-quality gemstones and jewelry at affordable prices. So what are you waiting for? Visit Rudraksha Life today and get your 16 Mukhi Rudraksha now!