15 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits, Significance, And Wearing Rules

15 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits, Significance, And Wearing Rules

15 Mukhi Rudraksha is one of the twenty-one varieties of Rudraksha. These Rudrakshas are considered holy beads, and the reason behind this is their association with Lord Shiva.

Thousands of years ago, Lord Shiva was doing Tapa. At that point in time, Lord Brahma and Vishnu requested Devadi dev Mahadev to open his eyes and defeat the demon Tripurasur. After opening his eyes, some tears were shed from them and fell on the surface of the Earth and grew into trees of Rudraksha.

From then, the extraction of Rudraksha beads is done from the green pods that are received from the trees. This is a really interesting incident that should be known to everyone wearing Rudraksha. 15 Mukhi Rudraksha has the pros that it provides to its wearer.

15 Mukhi Rudraksha Benefits –

  • It cures asthma, different kind of heart issues, and other respiratory problems.
  • It also helps to cure allergies and fever.
  • Other than physical diseases, it also aids emotional depression and gives you relief from anxiety, stress, and loneliness.
  • This Rudraksha bead helps to remove the negative energies from your soul and body and tries to add some positive vibes.
  • It is responsible for keeping a balance of the most essential heart chakra. This fourth primary chakra is unstoppable. Thus, 15-faced Rudraksha will have the power to maintain healthy relationships by opening the heart chakra.
  • 15 Faced Rudraksha has Mercury as its ruling planet, which determines that the wearer of this Rudraksha will be saved from the negative effects of Mercury or Budh.

Significance of 15 Mukhi Rudraksha

The points mentioned above are the primary reasons why the Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha is vital. Its ability to build a solid and healthy relationship, cure your heart and respiratory diseases, and other benefits will help to better your personal life and relationships.

After learning about these benefits, we can move forward to highlight some other significant information about 15 Mukhi Rudraksha.

15 Mukhi Rudraksha Ruling God-

lord pashupatinath

As the ruling planet, there is also a ruling God connected with Rudraksha, but unlike the Earth, the ruling God gives direct blessings to the person who wears it.

The Ruling God of 15-faced Rudraksha is Lord Pashupatinath, who gave all his belongings to Lord Kuber. Through this Rudraksha, a person can feel free from his desires and misery, which also gives him relief.

15 Mukhi Rudraksha Ruling planet 

The ruling planet of 15-faced Rudraksha is Mercury, or we can say Budha. You may be wondering what the sense of Rudraksha having a ruling planet is.

To figure out this concept, we can consider the example of medicine and disease. When you face a medical issue, then you take medication, it tries to remove the adverse and harmful effects and helps make you healthy.

In the same way, Rudraksha tries to remove the adverse effects of the planet with which it is associated. In this case, the Budh planet can have some pessimistic effects that can be reduced by wearing 15 Mukhi Rudraksha.

15 Mukhi Rudraksha Wearing Rules- 

A Rudraksha can never be worn in any way you want. Some rules and regulations should be followed by every wearer who wishes to wear 15 Mukhi Rudraksha.

  • Get up early in the morning, and after taking a bath and wearing clean clothes enter the place of worship in your home.
  • Take the rudraksha mala that you have to wear in your hand and wash it with Ganga Jal.
  • Then chant the mantra ‘OM HREEM NAMAH’ or ‘OM NAMAH SHIVAYA‘ 108 times.
  • After this, wear the mala on your neck and pray to Lord Shiva with full faith.

15 Face Rudraksha’s Other Advantages-

  • It becomes a way of achieving unconditional love.
  • It helps to build your knowledge and creativity.

15 Mukhi Rudraksha Price

The price of any Rudraksha can be determined through its originality, size, shape, and color. Before purchasing a 15 Mukhi Rudraksha, check its authenticity and the price to get the original Rudraksha.

How to identify the original 15 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala?

Identifying any Rudraksha is important to receive the actual benefits of that Rudraksha. Genuine 15 Mukhi Rudraksha Mala can be identified through the below-mentioned steps.

  • The color of this Rudraksha is brown
  • It is oval in shape
  • It has 15 lines from one end to another, which should be aligned without a cut or mark in the middle.
  • The Rudraksha should be in one piece without imposed marks in between.
  • Magnifying glass and X-ray methods also detect the genuineness of 15 Mukhi Rudraksha. These ways are much better than just looking over Rudraksha with naked eyes.

Final Thought

We gave you the whole box of information of 15 Mukhi Rudraksha only in one place. Before reading this blog, it was known to everyone that 15-face Rudraksha is one of the kinds of Original Rudraksha but giving this blog a read, you must have become an expert on 15-faced Rudraksha. These significant facts were not just for reading but to make you aware so that you do not commit the wrong deeds while purchasing it, wearing it, and obtaining benefits from it.

What is 15 Mukhi Rudraksha?

Among the 21 varieties of Rudrakshas available on the Earth, 15 Mukhi Rudraksha is one such Rudraksha with fifteen lines on its whole round figure.

Why should 15 Mukhi Rudraksha be worn?

Any person wears Rudraksha to acquire personal benefits from it. It helps to give the ability to attain unconditional love and feel free from misery. But it is advised to consult an astrologer before wearing it.

What diseases can be healed after wearing 15 Mukhi Rudraksha?

This Rudraksha helps cure asthma, heart, and other respiratory diseases. It also helps a person to feel free from stress, anxiety, and emotional depression

What is the ruling planet of Fifteen Mukhi Rudraksha?

Mercury is the ruling planet of 15 Mukhi Rudraksha. Hence, it will help remove the harmful effects of Buddhism and, in return, will help gain its optimistic results.

What is the price of 15 Mukhi Rudraksha?

The price of any Rudraksha depends on the difference in size, color variation, and final quality.

From where can I get the original 15 Mukhi Rudraksha?

RudrakshaLife.com is a genuine place where you can find the best quality fifteen. Mukhi Rudraksha at nominal prices. You can visit the website now to get your  Rudraksha with astrological services

What is the mode of payment?

At RudrakshaLife.com, we accept both offline and online payments. For any other, You can visit our website or talk to our customer care representative.