1 Mukhi Rudraksha: The Most Powerful Rudraksha

1 Mukhi Rudraksha: The Most Powerful Rudraksha

1 Mukhi Rudraksha is a holy seed that is worshipped by Hindus as the tears of Lord Shiva. Rudraksha beads have various faces or mukhi, from one to twenty-one, each having its own meaning and benefits. The rarest and sacred among all the rudraksha beads is the 1 mukhi rudraksha. It is believed to be the embodiment of Lord Shiva himself, the supreme consciousness. The 1 mukhi rudraksha is also called ek mukhi rudraksha, one-faced rudraksha, or one-eyed rudraksha. It has a single natural line or groove on its surface, which makes it different from other rudrakshas. The 1 mukhi rudraksha bestows the wearer with immense grace, such as spiritual enlightenment, material prosperity, physical and mental health, and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

In this blog post, we will cover everything you need to know about the 1 Mukhi rudraksha, such as its benefits, price, origin, authenticity, and how to wear it. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about this powerful rudraksha. By the end of this post, you will have a clear understanding of why the 1 Mukhi rudraksha is considered the king of all rudrakshas and how you can buy it from Rudraksha Life, a trusted online platform that offers 100% natural, certified, and energized rudrakshas at the best price.

Benefits Of 1 Mukhi Rudraksha

The 1 Mukhi rudraksha has many benefits for the wearer and the environment. Some of the benefits are:

  • Spiritual benefits: The 1 mukhi rudraksha is the ultimate symbol of oneness with the supreme reality. It helps the wearer to attain self-realization, enlightenment, and liberation (moksha). It also enhances the meditation and yoga practice of the wearer by increasing concentration, awareness, and intuition. It connects the wearer with Lord Shiva and his grace.
  • Material benefits: The 1 mukhi rudraksha is also a source of material prosperity and success. It attracts wealth, fame, power, and happiness to the wearer. It also removes obstacles and difficulties in life and grants fulfillment of desires. It helps the wearer to achieve leadership qualities and overcome stress.
  • Physical benefits: The 1 Mukhi rudraksha has many healing properties for various physical issues. It strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation, detoxifies the body, alleviates pain, prevents infections, heals skin problems, enhances vision, etc.
  • Emotional benefits: The 1 mukhi rudraksha also assists with various emotional issues. It calms stress and anxiety, soothes anger and depression, boosts confidence and self-esteem, fosters love and compassion, resolves conflicts, etc.
  • Environmental benefits: The 1 mukhi rudraksha also benefits the environment by purifying the air and water, neutralizing electromagnetic pollution, promoting ecological awareness, and supporting the conservation of natural resources. The 1 mukhi rudraksha can help to create a more sustainable and harmonious world for all living beings.

Price Of 1 Mukhi Rudraksha

The price of 1 mukhi rudraksha depends on various factors such as quality, size, shape, origin, authenticity, and availability. Generally speaking, the price of 1 mukhi rudraksha ranges from ₹3000 to ₹21000 per bead. However, some rare and high-quality 1 mukhi rudraksha beads can cost much more than that.

  • Quality: The quality of 1 Mukhi rudraksha is determined by its hardness, smoothness, color, and matrix. The harder and smoother the bead, the higher the quality. The color should be bright and even, preferably sky blue or Persian blue. The matrix should be minimal or absent unless it adds to the aesthetic appeal of the bead.
  • Size & Shape: The size and shape of 1 mukhi rudraksha also affect its price. Larger and rounder beads are more valuable than smaller and oval ones. However, size and shape are not the most important factors, as quality and color can outweigh them in terms of value.
  • Origin: The origin of 1 mukhi rudraksha can also influence its price and rarity. The most sought-after 1 mukhi rudraksha beads come from Nepal, where they have been mined for thousands of years. Nepali 1 mukhi rudraksha beads are known for their pure and intense blue color, without any greenish tint or matrix. Other sources of 1 mukhi rudraksha include Indonesia (Java), India (Haridwar), Sri Lanka, and South India. Each source has its own characteristics and qualities that appeal to different buyers. Some sources are more rare and expensive than others.
  • Authenticity: The authenticity of 1 Mukhi rudraksha is also a crucial factor that determines its price. There are many fake and imitation 1 Mukhi rudraksha beads in the market that are sold at high prices to unsuspecting buyers. Some sellers rub a five mukhi rudraksha to fade away the mukhi lines and then carve a line on the bead to make it appear like a 1 mukhi rudraksha. Some sellers also glue a stem to the bead to make it look natural. The half-moon or cashew-shaped beads that are commonly found are not actually 1 mukhi rudraksha beads from Nepal but are sourced from Sri Lanka and South India and they are of a different species known as Bhadraksha and not Rudraksha.

Therefore, it is very important to buy 1 mukhi rudraksha from a trusted and reputed source that provides a certificate of authenticity from a reputed gemological laboratory for every bead. The certificate verifies the quality, origin, weight, color, clarity, and cut of the bead, and assures you of its genuineness.

Buy From Rudraksha Life

One of the trusted & reputed sources to buy pure rudraksha is Rudraksha Life, an online platform that offers 100% natural, certified, and energized 1 mukhi rudraksha beads at the best price. Rudraksha Life procures its 1 mukhi rudraksha beads directly from farmers in Nepal and Indonesia and ensures that they are pure and natural, without any artificial treatments or enhancements. Rudraksha Life also provides a certificate of authenticity from an ISO 9001:2015 accredited lab for every bead. Rudraksha Life also energizes and activates every bead with Vedic mantras and rituals before delivering it to you. This ensures that the bead is ready to use and has a maximum positive impact on your life.

Rudraksha Life also offers you convenient shipping options across India and abroad. You can choose from standard or express delivery modes according to your preference and location. Rudraksha Life also provides you with free delivery across India.

Rudraksha Life also offers you the option to customize your 1 mukhi rudraksha into a jewelry item of your choice. You can select from a variety of designs and metals to create a unique and personalized 1 mukhi rudraksha pendant or bracelet that suits your taste and budget. Some more reasons to buy from Rudraksha Life are:

  • Quality: Rudraksha Life only deals with authentic rudraksha beads that have been tested and verified for their quality and purity.
  • Expertise: The team at Rudraksha Life has more than two decades of experience in the Rudraksha industry, and they are dedicated to delivering the best products and services to their customers.
  • Selection: Rudraksha Life has a large collection of rudraksha beads, including beads of different sizes, mukhi, and colors. They also have a range of rudraksha jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets, and mala.
  • Price: Rudraksha Life offers fair prices on all of its products. They also have various discounts and offers, so you can get the best value for your money on the rudraksha beads you want.
  • Guarantee: Rudraksha Life offers a full refund guarantee on all of its products. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it for a full refund.

Rudraksha Life is your one-stop destination for buying original and high-quality 1 mukhi rudraksha at the best price. Visit Rudraksha Life to explore their collection of 1 mukhi rudraksha beads and other types of rudrakshas.

Origin Of 1 Mukhi Rudraksha

The 1 mukhi rudraksha is the most ancient and sacred type of rudraksha. It is believed that the first 1 mukhi rudraksha was created by Lord Shiva himself when he shed a tear of compassion for the suffering of humanity. The tear fell on the earth and sprouted into a rudraksha tree, bearing the 1 mukhi rudraksha as its fruit.

The 1 mukhi rudraksha is also known as the eye of Shiva (Shivnetra) or the third eye of Shiva (Trinetra). It represents the vision and wisdom of Lord Shiva, who sees everything with his omniscient eye. The 1 mukhi rudraksha also symbolizes the union of Shiva and Shakti, the masculine and feminine aspects of the divine.

The 1 mukhi rudraksha is found in different parts of the world, but the most authentic and rare ones come from Nepal, where they have been cultivated and revered for thousands of years. The Nepali 1 mukhi rudraksha is round or slightly oval in shape, with a single natural line or groove on its surface. It has a dark brown or black color, with a smooth and hard texture. It is considered to be the purest and most powerful type of 1 mukhi rudraksha.

The other source of 1 mukhi rudraksha is Indonesia (Java), where they are also grown and harvested for centuries. The Indonesian 1 mukhi rudraksha is half ellipse or cashew-shaped, with a single natural line or groove on its surface. It has a light brown or yellow color, with a smooth and soft texture. It is considered to be the second-best type of 1 mukhi rudraksha.

The other sources of 1 Mukhi rudraksha are India (Haridwar), Sri Lanka, and South India. However, these are not actually 1 mukhi rudraksha beads but are of a different species known as Bhadraksha and not Rudraksha. They have grooves like the rudraksha but they are not thorny but are whorls like a human brain, and are lighter in weight compared to rudraksha. These are not recommended for wearing as they do not have the same benefits and properties as the real 1 Mukhi rudraksha.

Therefore, it is advisable to buy 1 mukhi rudraksha from a trusted and reputed source that provides a certificate of authenticity from a reputed gemological laboratory for every bead. The certificate verifies the quality, origin, weight, color, clarity, and cut of the bead, and assures you of its genuineness.

Authenticity Of 1 Mukhi Rudraksha

  • Shape: One of the first steps to check the authenticity of 1 Mukhi rudraksha is to examine its shape and size. The original 1 Mukhi rudraksha from Nepal is oval in shape and has a single natural hole. It is very rare and expensive. The 1 mukhi rudraksha from Java or Indonesia is half-moon or cashew shaped and has a single natural hole. It is more commonly available and affordable. The 1 mukhi rudraksha that is round in shape or has more than one hole is fake and should be avoided.
  • Surface: Another way to check the authenticity of ek mukhi rudraksha is to observe its surface and texture. The original mukhi rudraksha has a smooth and hard surface with clear mukhi lines that are thorny and deep. The fake mukhi rudraksha may have a rough or polished surface with artificial or faded mukhi lines that are smooth and shallow.
  • Tests: A third method to check the authenticity of ek mukhi rudraksha is to perform some tests on it.
    • One of the tests is to place the bead in a glass of water and observe if it sinks or floats. The original one mukhi rudraksha will sink in water due to its high density, while the fake one may float due to its low density or hollow core. 
    • Another test is to place the bead near a magnet and observe if it gets attracted or repelled. The original 1 Mukhi rudraksha will not get affected by the magnet due to its non-magnetic nature, while the fake one may get attracted or repelled due to its magnetic or metallic content.
  • Expert Consultation: A fourth way to check the authenticity of 1 mukhi rudraksha is to consult an expert or a certified lab. An expert can identify the genuine 1 mukhi rudraksha by using various tools and techniques such as X-ray, microscope, magnifying glass, etc. A certified lab can issue a certificate of authenticity for the one mukhi rudraksha after conducting various tests on it such as chemical analysis, thermal analysis, etc.

By following these methods, one can check the authenticity of ek mukhi rudraksha and avoid getting cheated by fake sellers. One should also buy one mukhi rudraksha from a reputed and trusted source that provides quality assurance and guarantee. One should also wear 1 mukhi rudraksha with faith and devotion and follow the proper rituals and rules for wearing it.

How to wear 1 Mukhi Rudraksha?

The 1 mukhi rudraksha is a powerful and sacred bead that should be worn with proper care and respect. There are some rules and guidelines that should be followed while wearing the 1 mukhi rudraksha to get the maximum benefits from it. Some of them are:

  • The 1 mukhi rudraksha should be worn on a Monday morning after taking a bath and wearing clean clothes.
  • The 1 mukhi rudraksha should be worn on a silk or cotton thread or in a silver or gold chain or pendant. It can also be worn as a bracelet or as a rosary (mala).
  • The 1 mukhi rudraksha should be worn after performing a puja or ritual to energize and activate it. The puja should include offering flowers, incense, lamp, fruits, sweets, water, milk, honey, etc. to the rudraksha and chanting the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” 108 times.
  • ‘1’ represents authority, leadership, and wholeness of existence. 
  • ‘0’ represents both nothingness and eternity, when combined with other digits then elevates the influence of those digits.
  • ‘8’ represents power, abundance, and achievement.
  • The 1 mukhi rudraksha should be worn with faith and devotion. It should be touched with reverence and love. It should not be touched by anyone else without permission.
  • The 1 mukhi rudraksha should be removed before going to sleep, taking a bath, or visiting a funeral or cremation ground. It should be kept in a clean and sacred place when not in use.
  • The 1 mukhi rudraksha should be cleaned regularly with water or milk and dried with a soft cloth. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight, heat, chemicals, or moisture.
  • The 1 mukhi rudraksha should be worn according to the recommendation of an expert astrologer. The number of beads, the metal, the design, and the combination of other types of rudrakshas should be chosen according to the individual’s horoscope, needs, and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions about 1 Mukhi Rudraksha

Here are some of the most common questions that people ask about the 1 mukhi rudraksha and their answers:

What are the astrological benefits of 1 mukhi rudraksha?

The 1 mukhi rudraksha is associated with the planet Sun, which is the source of light, energy, and life. The 1 mukhi rudraksha helps to enhance the positive effects of the Sun and reduce the negative effects of the Sun in the birth chart. The 1 mukhi rudraksha can help to overcome the problems related to health, career, fame, power, authority, leadership, confidence, courage, creativity, etc. The 1 mukhi rudraksha can also help to balance the other planets in the birth chart and harmonize their influences.

What is a 1 Mukhi rudraksha?

A 1 mukhi rudraksha is a sacred seed that has a single natural line or groove on its surface. It is the rarest and most auspicious type of rudraksha. It is said to be the manifestation of Lord Shiva himself, the supreme consciousness.

What does the 1 Mukhi rudraksha represent?

The 1 mukhi rudraksha represents the oneness with the supreme reality. It symbolizes the vision and wisdom of Lord Shiva, who sees everything with his omniscient eye. It also symbolizes the union of Shiva and Shakti, the masculine and feminine aspects of the divine.

What are the benefits of wearing a 1 mukhi rudraksha?

The benefits of wearing a 1 mukhi rudraksha are manifold. It helps to attain self-realization, enlightenment, and liberation (moksha). It also helps to achieve material prosperity and success. It also helps to improve physical and mental health. It also helps to calm stress and anxiety, soothe anger and depression, boost confidence and self-esteem, foster love and compassion, resolve conflicts, etc. It also helps to purify the air and water, neutralize electromagnetic pollution, promote ecological awareness, and support the conservation of natural resources.

Who can wear a 1 mukhi rudraksha?

Anyone who wants to attain spiritual and material benefits can wear a 1 mukhi rudraksha. However, it is advisable to consult an expert astrologer or Rudralife consultant before wearing a 1 mukhi rudraksha to know whether it is suitable for you or not. The number of beads, the metal, the design, and the combination of other types of rudrakshas should be chosen according to your horoscope, needs, and preferences.


The 1 mukhi rudraksha is the most powerful and sacred type of rudraksha. It is the manifestation of Lord Shiva himself, the supreme consciousness. It bestows the wearer with immense blessings, such as spiritual enlightenment, material prosperity, physical and mental health, and liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It also benefits the environment by purifying the air and water, neutralizing electromagnetic pollution, promoting ecological awareness, and supporting the conservation of natural resources.

However, the 1 mukhi rudraksha is also the rarest and most expensive type of rudraksha. It is very important to buy it from a trusted and reputed source that provides a certificate of authenticity from a reputed gemological laboratory for every bead. The certificate verifies the quality, origin, weight, color, clarity, and cut of the bead, and assures you of its genuineness.

Rudraksha Life offers you the option to customize your 1 mukhi rudraksha into a jewelry item of your choice. You can select from a variety of designs and metals to create a unique and personalized 1 mukhi rudraksha pendant or bracelet that suits your taste and budget.